The plan of Star Wars
Star Wars is a war plan of the U.S. government , Whose purpose is to protect the citizens and its related countries from the danger of the invasion of Nuclear missiles of enemy nations .
The Star Wars plan was announced on march 23 , 1983 by US President Mr. Ronald Reagan . The real name of Star Wars is SDI means (Strategic defence initiative ) .
Those technical capabilities will be developed under this program , while will prove to be the most important is the history of the United State .
This estimated cost of this plan is approximately $ 26 billion .
This is a long term plan . Under this plan , such methods and procedures will be developed .By which the Nuclear missiles fly in space or on the way to the flight or before the attack on the appointed place and they will be attacked and destroyed .
Detecting and destroyed missiles will be done with the help of flying planes and satellites in space . US scientists have planned to develop a variety of security systems to destroy the missiles .
Laser rays will be used in one of these system . Laser rays has very powerful rays that can span 300000 kilometers in 1 second without spreading .
This speed is about fifty thousand times more than the speed of flying missiles .