what is Space - New Update in 2019 .

What is Space :-

We see that our earth is enclosed by a type of air blanket. As we go above the earth, by the amount of gases present in the air decreases. 

After a special height, these gases become so low that there is no frictional force on any passing object. This height is called the boundary of the atmosphere.

All the broad areas above it are called space. Scientists believe that space begins from about 1000 kilometers of height from earth

The definition of space is usually given in the above mentioned area, Whose limitations are not known yet. 

It spans billions of trillion kilometers in all directions and surrounds the space between solar cells, galacticinos and galacticians.

How distant we can drive away from the earth with a ship, or even try to see with just a powerful visionary, cannot reach beyond the boundaries of space

Astrophysicists define different places of space according to the effect of the force of gravity of a nearby celestial body.

For example, the area as far as the gravitational force of the sun can be experienced. Intergalactic space extends beyond pluto too many millions of kilometers. The area between the stars is called the interstellar space. 

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